Written by Dorothy Bentley and illustrated by me, this book, “celebrates the magic of Summer and Winter in Canada's North.” The illustrations were done in watercolour and gouache.

In Summer North Coming, Dorothy Bentley’s spare, poetic text and Jessica Bartram’s rich watercolor and gauche illustrations transport young readers to a portion of the country that most of them will have never experienced personally – Canada’s North...The summer pages are filled with lush greens punctuated by the colours of various flowers, birds and insects before giving way to fall’s more muted palette. Colourwise, Winter North is a contrast of crisp dark nights and day’s snow-blinding whiteness that are both eventually conquered by the warmth oranges of the sun’s spring return...In terms of both its text and illustrations, Summer North Coming is definitely a book to return to and linger over. Bentley’s words are rich in their sparseness, and Bartram’s illustrations are full of details to be discovered during subsequent readings.
— Dave Jenkinson, Canadian Review of Materials

Ghost Water Kiss

